The UP™ Program's Core Values


The Kokomo Urban Outreach (KUO) UP™ Program's core values – Respectful, Responsible, Reliable, and Ready to Work – cultivate a foundation for success in the workplace and all facets of life. These values foster essential skills that translate into being a great worker, parent, student, and citizen.

Respect forms the bedrock of positive relationships. A respectful individual listens actively, values differences, and fosters a collaborative environment. These qualities are crucial for effective teamwork, fostering trust, and open communication within families, classrooms, and workplaces.

Responsibility translates into ownership of actions and a commitment to fulfilling obligations. Students who are responsible manage their time effectively, complete assignments on time, and actively participate in class. Responsible workers deliver high-quality work, meet deadlines, and contribute proactively to team projects. Parents who are responsible prioritize the well-being of their children and create a stable and nurturing environment.

Reliability fosters trust and dependability. Reliable individuals are consistent in their behavior and can be counted on to complete tasks to the best of their ability. This characteristic is valued in employees who can be relied upon to meet deadlines and deliver promised results. Reliable students are punctual, prepared, and complete assigned work. Similarly, reliable parents consistently provide for their children's needs.

Readiness to work, lead, speak up and solve problems in a positive way signifies a proactive approach and a willingness to learn and contribute. This translates into students actively engaging in learning opportunities, asking questions, and seeking challenges. In the workplace, this translates into employees who are eager to take on new tasks and contribute their skills and perspectives. Parents who are ready to work actively engage in their children's education and support their growth and development. By instilling these core values, the UP™ program equips youth with a valuable skillset that empowers them to become not only successful workers but also responsible parents, engaged students. Moreover, good citizens will contribute positively to their communities.


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